I attended a clinic with Ulla Parker on
September 13th at the fabulous facility of Cedar Creek Farm. Ulla Parker is a Danish native and
resides on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. She is a Master Bereiter and USDF
silver medalist. She has trained with and worked for top trainers in
both Europe and the States, among them Mikala Gundersen, Lars Petersen and
Scott Hassler. She has ridden in clinics with Michael Klimke, Debbie
McDonald, Ingo Pape and Steffen Peters. She won the East Coast Selection
Trial for 6 year olds in 2012 and was qualified to go to Verden. In 2014
her students earned Silver medals, Regional Championships, BLM
championships and placed in the top 10 at the National Championship.
If you can’t tell…. Ulla is a great trainer and gets great results!
I have to admit when I saw the lineup of riders I was a bit
nervous. My trainer, who is a fabulous
rider of course, was riding two horses at the clinic and some of the other
riders were Ulla’s regular students and rode as high as Prix St. Georges and
have won multiple medals and awards.
Pretty intimidating company.
I recently purchased a four year old Quarter Horse who is just learning
dressage and as a rider I have only shown Intro Level. I had to wonder if I was shooting a bit high
coming to a clinic with so many good riders.
Would I be disappointing to teach?
Would the other riders wonder why someone at my level thought I could
come to the same clinic as them? But I
had helped organize the clinic and figured I should certainly attend and do my
I arrived shortly after my instructor starting riding so I got to watch
some of her lesson. It was going
fabulous of course – her and her student’s horse looked great and Ulla was
giving out her trademark phrase of “Yaaaah.
That looks good.” Not that I
wanted something bad to happen during their lesson but I may have felt a bit
more confident going into mine if it wasn’t going quite so well!

She also pointed out that I let my mare get away with bits of
naughtiness without correcting it immediately.
For example, there are times she evades by moving off sideways and she
reminded me I need to correct it strongly and quickly or she would learn
evasion was possible. It has to be 100%
clear to her that she won’t get away with any evasion, ever.
Other items we worked on were the fine line between going with the
forward movement without giving it away and making sure the inside hind leg was
pushing. I have a tendency to ask for
more forward motion but then guard against what “might” happen. It’s a bad habit because it will shut down a
young horse that should be learning forward is a good thing. With a little bit of coaching, I got the
trot and the kudos from Ulla we were searching for, “Don’t accept anything but
this trot…. Yaaaaah!”
I learned a lot during my lesson but I learned something really
monumental as I watched the other lessons after mine. I kept hearing the same things I had heard
during my lesson. Sure they were doing
more advanced movements and wow, their horses were beautiful and strong and
talented but in the end dressage is about the basics over and over again and
even at the higher levels, the basics are essential.
I heard, “Get the hind leg and keep her connected.” Later when one rider was practicing their
counter canter, I heard, “you need to ride counter canter just like you do
regular canter – don’t be afraid to let it out and bring it back in. Be careful she is not running. She needs to push. Bring her back in with a quick hind leg.” And then, “Tell those hind legs to push, not
just move.. … yaaah… beautiful!”
Later I heard, “Goal is to keep the same rhythm in the trot…Collect a
bit more but keep the same rhythm.”
Okay… so they were doing much more
advanced movements than us but in the end they were still working on keeping
the hind leg pushing and keeping a regular tempo, just like me and my mare.
After the clinic I asked Ulla who she likes to teach, expecting her to
say the top level riders. She surprised
me by saying, “what I love is the ‘aha’ moments and that happens at all levels. I just like to teach someone with an open mind
who is willing to learn.”
What an ‘aha’ moment for me.
There is no reason to be intimidated about riding in clinics, no matter
the level of the other riders.
Dressage is about where you and your horse are at that moment, trying
your best and improving on what you did yesterday. At every level the basics are still
important and something we all go back to over and over again – keep that
pushing power going from behind, maintain the bend, straightness and relaxation.
Some other great tips I heard:
- Half halt before and after the movement so she doesn’t get too strong in your hands. Always start and finish with a good half halt.
- The half halt needs to be a little bit stronger when she is not engaging in the back end right at the start so you don’t have to correct so hard later.
- It’s not enough that she comes back in collection, she needs to keep the swing her back too.
- Keep steady, positive tension in the reins. He can’t come through if you keep throwing it away.
- Use transitions. Bring her back, push her forward. Change the transitions up to get that inside hind leg working.
- Don’t use the outside rein to hold him to the track. He has to do it because of your inside leg.
So what is my take away message?
Attend clinics! I hear from
folks all the time why they don’t attend – “I don’t like people to see me
ride.” “I need to get more lessons
before I can go.” And my favorite, “I’d
be a waste of the clinician’s time.”
You aren’t ever a waste of a
clinician’s time. Remember that they all
began at the bottom and most of them begin at the bottom over and over again as
they bring along new horses. What is
important is that you come with the open mind Ulla mentioned, the willingness
to learn and the ability to listen and work hard during your lesson.
Hope to see you at the clinics!
I really enjoy watching lower level riders at big name clinics because I get to hear the basics in very clear terms. Then when the higher level riders ride, I can see how the pieces start to fit together. Especially when the clinician is focusing on the same issues from Intro on up.